Though I ‘discovered’ the opus magnus of Jean Gebser already a few years after his death in 1973 and trying to include his ideas in my academic work at the beginning of the 1980ies it was like in the fairy tale of ‘The sleeping beauty’, it wasn’t yet time to cross the hedge of roses without losing orientation – in the fairy tale the princes even lost their lives! But now time sems has to come, where ‘winds of change’ are kissing the princess and she awakes not only to a new life – and for the cook in the kitchen it seemed to be sufficient just to continue the ‘old life’ while clapping the apprentice on his cheek so punishing him for his mistake – but for a new conscious, an integral life. It was especially the encounter with Jeremy Johnson and Nura Learning in 2020 from where derives the impulse on the one side to translate this view on my life into English, to share aspects with the Jean Gebserian Community and ‘other analogue disposed people’ and at the same time to deepen my personal view on what’s going to come and which part I - and we all too - do have to play.
Mueller gave me the chance to look back on my (mostly) professional life and at the same time an emerging future began to show up and let me sense a new quality of my ‘Being’. The interviewees traced the history of integrated classes against the background of their own biographic development and outlined in their synopsis the development until the present time… and to ask for chances and connecting factors for the future.” (Mueller, 2018, bookcover). The intention for describes Mueller as follows: “Within the scope of the project ‘Looking back forward’ guiding scientists of Integrative Education has been interviewed to talk about their personal experiences, to their own approach to the Field of Integration, their research key topics and their future challenges.

It was in 2014, when Professor Frank Mueller from the University of Bremen interviewed colleagues engaged in Inclusive Education in the >Federal Republic of Germany and later published the results in two volumes titled ‘Looking back forward – Pathfinders for Inclusion’ (Mueller, Blick zurueck nach vorn – WegbereiterInnen der Inklusion, Volume 1/2, 2018). So, the key topics are: Destiny or purpose, transcendent order, Education for an Inclusive Universal Society – but all symbolized and actualized in my own personal biography until today and for an (still) emerging future. In other words: The personal destiny is a common one and the destiny of humanity depends on our personal life. On the one side, because of my own age, it is challenging to ask for such a ‘purpose’ and ‘transcendent order’ to deepen the view about myself, on the other side for me it becomes more and more crucial in this time of tremendous disruptions to exchange with others – and enabled through the IT Technology – globally how they experience their ‘destiny’ and how their journey is going on. 73), these attitudes towards human life from Joseph Jaworski transformed for me into something as running like a golden thread through my own life. 227) and “My Life seemed to unfold according to a transcendent order” (Jaworski, 2012, p. “I believe that everyone is born with a destiny or a purpose, and the journey is to find it” (Senge et al., 2004, p. Watermark Symbol of a ‚modus vivendi’ in the Anthropocene

From one point to another one it might become possible that ‘see’ how “a new consciousness mutation toward integral awareness’ might light up, an integral awareness of the aperspectival world and thus “bring it closer to us, that is, effect its presentation” (EPO, 42).īecause the text is a bit longer, I decide to offer it in ‘bits and pieces’, just as I find or take time to translate it. Therefor the following text marks these traces and I’ll try to look on them with an ‘Integral Awareness’. Following them once more now while translating the text into English I feel to become aware how my life was and still is emerging out ‘Ursprung/Origin’ and what kind of decisions – personally or academically(scientifically) - derive ‘out of this connection’. For myself ‚meeting Jean Gebser‘ in the 1970ies and revitalizing his deep insights through the Nura Learning initiatives inspires me to look on parts my own ‘Life traces’ - as illustrated about five years ago in an Interview with Professor Frank Müller of the University of Bremen.